Tuesday, December 26, 2023

2001 and 2010: A Movie Comparison

Someone recently shared an article in the Facebook group 2001--A Space Odyssey arguing that the movie's sequel 2010: The Year We Make Contact deserves as much praise as its legendary predecessor. Most commenters disagreed, often with unbridled contempt. Yet, some agreed with the article. And some even went so far as to assert that 2010 was the much better movie.

As someone who loves both movies but reveres 2001, I commented:

Like many who’ve commented here, I don’t agree that 2010 deserves “as much” praise as 2001. However, I do agree with the OP that it’s been woefully under-appreciated by movie critics and the general public alike.

I think 2010 is a wonderful film with a plausibly epic and intelligent storyline, excellent performances from an outstanding cast, stunning sequences, superb special effects that serve the story, and overall quality that distinguish it as one of the finest sci-fi films ever and make it a thrilling and extremely satisfying sequel to the unparalleled, sublime, and utterly miraculous original.

And I agree with at least one commenter who said that if 2010 weren’t eclipsed by the awesomely artistic splendor of 2001, it might well have received the accolades and enjoyed the popularity it richly deserves in its own splendid right.

2010 is one of my favorite sci-fi films of all time. But as Dan Quayle was "no Jack Kennedy," 2010 was no 2001. Nevertheless, regardless of how one regards Dan Quayle as a senator, I think 2010 stands as a great sci-fi film, and I wish movie critics and the general public agreed.

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