Does the Democratic convention always come before the Republican convention? If it does, why is this? I believe that whichever party stages its convention last has a huge advantage. Its convention can steal the thunder of the other party's convention and replace it with its own.
And, in this year's case, John McCain was able to choose a female running mate after he saw Obama's choice on the other side. If the Republican convention had come first and McCain would have had to choose his running mate first, Obama could have made his VP choice accordingly.
I still believe that, as much as I've come to dislike Hillary, Obama should have chosen her. I now feel convinced that McCain will win and that we'll have at least "four more years" of disastrous Republican foreign and domestic policy.
I believe that the parties should alternate in who goes first with their convention. In 2012, the Republicans should go first.
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4 hours ago
Yes, it is an advantage for the Party going last certainly so it can attempt to counter points made by the first.
I gag whenever I think of Hilliary and her negative campaigning but I agree she would have brought in more votes. This of course doesn't mean Obama won't prevail or wouldn't choose her and/or maybe Bill for a much more important job, say as in "Secretary of State."
Onto Obama's acceptance speech: I was just amazed by how he could give such a long and brilliant talk apparently without the benefit of teleprompters. On the other hand, watch McCain in his future speeches and see just how he is so obviously in need of their crutch.
I would assume that no presidential candidate has ever given such a brilliant and compelling speech in the entire history of the United States and in this I believe I witnessed history last night.
Grateful Said
I didn't see Obama's speech last night. I was working, and, by the time I got home to watch the replay of it, I saw only the last two or three minutes. But I look forward to sitting down and watching all of it on the Internet tomorrow.
I agree that if Obama manages to win, he could appoint Hillary to an important position. Yes, it could be Secretary of State, which I actually would have liked to see him appoint Biden to, or, perhaps, to the Supreme Court.
One thing's for sure. Whoever wins, this has been an exciting and history-making political season, even for those, like myself, who have always shied away from or even detested politics.
You make me wonder IF Obama might nominate Hillary and/or Bill for the US's Highest Court of course IF an opening(s) came forth.
That would certainly cause the fanatical Conservatives to go light-years beyond ballistic, wouldn't you agree? (G)
Grateful Said
I certainly do, Said. I certainly do. :-)
I'm not even sure that same family members are allowed in the States to occupy their Highest Court at the same time but it WOULD be something to behold if not only for the entertainment value of the Far Right screaming bloody murder. (ROTFL)
I think that new Court's first decision should be to take some alleged Middle-Eastern "God" off their money and out of their Pledge of Allegiance.
Don't you agree?
Grateful Said
Stop whining Steve,
McCain picks Palin, hmmmmm can you say, Check Mate?
Wouldn't you agree?
Also, since Bill Clinton has been banned from arguing ANY case before the Supreme Court by that very court due to his perjuring himself, would he then be allowed to actually join the court as a justice? Of course I wouldn't expect the uninformed and unconcered to know that little fun fact. Since he's so much of an asset to the continuation of the Republic, I'm sure we could make an exception and twist a few laws to accomodate your feelings.
Hey grateful, did you get up to speed on the Clinton racist allegations or are you still living in ignorance?
"I would assume that no presidential candidate has ever given such a brilliant and compelling speech in the entire history of the United States and in this I believe I witnessed history last night."
I would have to disagree with that one. He was at his peak so far when he made the speech on race earlier in the campaign and brought the races together. He is such a uniter and has such vision that I think he is the greatest American to come along in the history of the country. Even greater than the founders since they had so many racial hang ups and quirks. We have to work hard to cast off the unworkable aspects of this country and move towards a new vision embodied in the form of a new man named Obama. He has the ability to move us into a new paradigm of diversity, tolerance, ecological balance and world peace and prosperity.
It feels good to have him come along at a time where I had almost given up hope for change. And change we must with free healthcare, higher wages for the unskilled, wealth equalization, consequences for political hate speech, honoring of minorities, homosexuals and women instead of degrading them, an actual AMENDMENT to the constitution guaranteeing a woman's right to choose. (Actually, how about we throw the entire thing out and start over, with Obama as President and the Democrats in controll of Congress, we'd have a chance to do just that) We could base the new document on Obama's vision for a united world.
I just love this guy.
Don't you agree?
Grateful Said
Someone, I'd guess Todd, signed off as me on Comment 8. I think you should look into who it really was and ban his azz.
Grateful Said
In context with my whole message, I meant any Parties' presidential, nominating "acceptance speech.
Grateful Said
Interesting question; but of course you must know the US Congress can ace the Supreme Court on any matter whatsoever and Bill Clinton *could* be nominated and appointed to it.
Did YOU see the near 29 MILLION HITS the words "McCain" and "Racist" Googled up? (ROTFL)
What do YOU think about it? (ROTFL)
Grateful Said
"What" in "what" post are you saying "What?" (G)
Grateful Said
The incumbent party usually is the last to have the convention. He chose this woman to try and take the Hillary vote. Won't happen.
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