If you compare the two conventions, the differences were striking. Democrats - ethnically diverse, exuberant, standing room only, soaring words and ideas. Republicans - 99.9% white, sour-faced, swaths of empty seats, mean-spirited potshots.
10 Weekend Reads
The weekend is here! Pour yourself a mug of Colombia Tolima Los Brasiles
Peaberry Organic coffee, grab a seat by the fire, and get ready for our
4 hours ago
"If you compare the two conventions, the differences were striking. Democrats - ethnically diverse, exuberant, standing room only, soaring words and ideas. Republicans - 99.9% white, sour-faced, swaths of empty seats, mean-spirited potshots."
Yes, the RNC was simply a High-Society Show for the Extremely Wealthy, their blank-faced (brainwashed) kids, and their puppet politicians.
Grateful Said
99.9% white, sour-faced, swaths of empty seats, mean-spirited potshots
obviously pay big dividends.
Have you checked the polls?
Yes, I've checked the polls and a major party that just concluded its convention SHOULD have a 10-20% lead.
Since it's about even instead that doesn't sound too good for the High Society Republicans.
Palin is a crazed religious freak and that's why she's been hiding from the Press. She's already being exposed for how absolutely loony she is. She's a hilarious nutcake who rivals even Pat Robertson. (G) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6wYbz377GM
And the Swift-boaters are back at work, trying to make a steely-spined rich white woman look like a victim. It remains to be seen who will prevail in this campaign, and whether winning will have to do with merit or just the manipulations of advertising.
"....and whether winning will have to do with merit (McCain?) or just the manipulations of advertising"(Obama?)
Mary Lois,
Are you still, "...very happy with the way things are going at this moment. A superb choice for Vice President.."
You know, Joe Who?
How long till the cynical and desperate Dems drop him due to "medical concerns" and draft Hillary and then still lose?
swiftboating = doing the job MSM journalists refuse to do.
If that's not true, why not pick up the million dollar prize for disproving their allegations?
Can you back up your claims about Obama? I thought not. :-) You're simply just another "Con Claimer." (G)
Senor Coconut:
The way you talk I can't even tell which side you're on. (G)
After 8 years of Republican lies, destructive policies, and going after the wrong enemy it's really sad to see these very same people allowing themselves to be fooled for the 3rd straight time.
We have found the enemy and he is us.
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