I'm reading a piece in What is Enlightenment?. In the introduction, Ken Wilber says to the crowd gathered before him:
One of my favorite exercises from Quaker prayer gatherings is: “Let the next sentence out of your mouth be from your very highest self.” Everybody gets quiet at that point! But that’s the kind of attitude we want to bring to these dialogues. New structures in consciousness are being laid down right now—they are just faint footprints on the face of the cosmos. So your behavior, to the extent that you live up to your highest, is actually creating structures that future humanity will inhabit. Therefore, choose your acts very, very carefully. Make sure that the next action you take comes from your highest self. Make sure that the next thing that you say comes from your highest self. Then there’s hope for the future. Those structures are already being laid down. God is laying them down; Spirit is laying them down—through us. So we have to become appropriate vehicles for Spirit to lay down the very structures that humanity is going to inhabit. And if we don’t, that is a guilt we will carry with us for eternity.
These are beautiful words. I agree with them completely. However, I have a simple and sincere question for Ken Wilber and his devoted followers: Does Ken's recent, controversial post to his blog truly come from his "highest self" and truly help to create the kind of structure we want humanity to inhabit?
You Can't Domesticate the Weirdness
Yesterday's post on our weird-woven universe brought to mind...
Well, a number of things, beginning with Haldane's suspicion that *the
universe is not o...
1 hour ago
In my best Mr. Burns voice: "Excellent!"
Nicely done.
Allow me to be Smithers and nod agreement with Mr. Burns.
I see a possible Simpsons episode in development here.
Bald Homer starts a New Age cult of personality in Springfield. Soon, there is a thick monthly magazine with Homer's picture on every cover, called "D'oh". Lisa is shunted aside because she's not obsequious. But Bart, seeing there's profit to be make as a bootlicker, becomes Homer's First Lieutenant.
I think that if you want to become more in line with spiritual truth you will have to stop vesting so much time in individuals like Bob and Ken and spend more time working on your own walk with the Almighty.
Bob and Ken can do nothing for your soul, at present they only serve as distractions...
Although, I do have to hand it to you Steve; after clicking on wh and Tom's icons it would appear that they are adherents of Mr. Wilber. You are getting some attention over here, maybe you're shaking things up. Why, you even have petey as a regular follower of your blog, how is that for irony?
Then again, it appears after further investigation that wh is in agreement with your disappointment in Wilber. Sorry for jumping too quickly to conclusions, mia culpa wh and tom.
But still Steve, you're getting noticed...
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